Pliny clone

1:20 Started 6 gal boil
1:40 Grain bag (+ama) @ 130°
1:46 Hit 150°
1:49 heat off @ 153°
2:10 bag out @ 168° max heat
2:31 off heat, add DME
2:35 heat on
2:50 boil add hop shots (90 min)
3:35 1 oz Columbus
4:03 1 oz Simcoe & malt syrup & chiller
4:20 heat off, add sugar, 1.5 centennial, 2.5 Simcoe
4:35 start chiller
5:15 drain into fermenter @ 78° w/yeast

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Delicious wort draining into the Craft-a-Brew fermenter

Original Gravity 1.085 OG @ 70°
5:30 into fermenter set @ 68°

Second brew in the Craft a Brew, first time dealing with massive hops and dry hopping

Second brew in the Craft a Brew, first time dealing with massive hops and dry hopping

1/17 10:00 am – active fermentation started
1/19 very active fermentation
1/22 active, but slowing
2/13 Swap sediment jar
2/21 Dry hop 1 (1.5 Columbus, 1 centennial, 1 simcoe
3/1 dry hop 2 (.5 col, .5 sim, .25 cent, .25 Amarillo)
3/12 keg w/ dryhop .5 Amarillo

Final gravity 1.018 @ 66.0°

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So much sediment in the collection jar (second jar)

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Draining the fermented beer into the keg below, set up works great!

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Using a grain bag (and a hop bag) on the hose to filter as much sediment out as possible – worked pretty well!


Delicious Pliny! First few pours weren’t very clear, but after that it’s been great clarity