Carmelite Tripel

I think this is a Karmeliet tripel clone.  I bought the kit from Northern Brewer.  You can find the kit here:

Will update with the recipe as I followed it shortly.

Carmelite Tripel Notes

Started brewing process early Sunday mooring (like, 12:30am) 1/13/13
Link to recipe:
Heated excess water to ~170F
Added 1.5 gal to specialty grains for mash @ 1:30am
at 2:30 added grain bag to n gallons of water at around 170f
poked and prodded for a bit
then added original mash
added goldings
at 2:45 got wort to boil
added ~.25 oz saaz
@ 3:30 added syrup and remaining .75 saaz hops.
Removed at 3:45 — ran through terminator into carboy
Pitched yeast with coriander seed @ 4:08am
OG 1.060
Carboy was around 62F until late Tuesday, 1/15/2013, at which point, after periodic application of a heating wrap temperature got up close to 70F.  By Wednesday AM there was real fermentation finally going on.  In fact the blow-off tube got kinda clogged with coriander seed.  Cleaned it out with a coat hanger dipped in alcohol.  getting a bubble per second or so all day.
1/17/2013 07:00  Bubbling still going strong — thinking of racking to secondary Sunday afternoon?  THis is a little less than the normal week after fermentation that I would wait but there is a lot of gunk in the blow-off tube and a lot of sediment at the base of the carboy so thinking should move it off sooner rather than later.
1/17/2013 21:00  So, the thing was still bubbling, but not super-fast.  Looked as though it might be clogged from whole coriander seed
removed the blow-off tube to clean it and discovered that the carboy was under pressure.  cleaned it.  resealed it.
bubbling rate went up a lot
(could just be the de-pressurizing.
1/21/2013 13:00  Racked to secondary.  OG was around 1.027.  Still bubbling slowly.  Left carboy wrapped in therminator set at around 67-68F
1/22/2013  fermentation continues at a slower pace thru airlock.  Looks like Kraeusen has started forming again.
1/25/2013  still bubblin’

One thought on “Carmelite Tripel

  1. bswift

    Kegged it tonight
    FG was 1.012 @ 68F.

    Tasted pretty good — had the sweetness I expect from a belgian, but the mouthfeel was “thin”. Maybe once carbonated that will not be an issue.

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