Back in the Saddle

Yesterday I brewed again.  Did an extract recipe from NB called Sinistral Warrior IPA.  Was a pleasure after wrestling with all grain for so long, although I miss the brewing from “first principles”.  OG was 1.065.  Went with the Wyeast smack pack rather than the dry.

Yeast pitched around 6pm on 8/8/10.  Seeing bubbles from blowoff tube by 6am (abt once every 12 seconds) 8/9/10.

2 thoughts on “Back in the Saddle

  1. bswift Post author

    Today I racked Sinistral IPA to Secondary. Checked Specific Gravity — down to 1.022. Not much sweetness left in it. Hoppy, but not beat you to death hoppy. A little astringent. Already tasting very refreshing!

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